Roofing Aid

Phone: 847-415-2252

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Slate roofing is one of the most durable and beautiful roofing options available, often adding years to the lifespan of any roof. Some slate roofs are known to be over 200 years old and still in great condition. Because the weight of slate roofing may require additional support and because it is a delicate material, it requires the experienced hand of a knowledgeable roofing installer, preferably one that has experience installing slate roofs.

Why Slate Roofing?

Slate is a non-porous material, making it easier to clean, stain-resistant, and water-repellent. With unmatched elegance and beauty, slate roofing is also completely fireproof. Known to last hundreds of years, traditional slate roofing is typically found on heritage buildings and finer homes. Slate can provide even new homes with that classic and timeless look. As well, Slate roofing brings homeowners complete peace of mind with unsurpassed value. The durability and longevity of a slate roof, when properly installed, eliminates worries of leaks and moisture intrusion. Because slate roofing is so long-lasting, it also reduces the need for frequent replacement.

Synthetic Slate Roofing

For those looking to combine the timeless beauty of a slate roof with an eye towards a greener future, consider synthetic slate roofing, a viable option that replicates the natural and historic look of traditional slate in a more eco-friendly manner.

Roofing Aid | Roofing Contractor serving Chicagoland Suburbs, Illinois, USA